
Onlyoffice desktop editors default file types
Onlyoffice desktop editors default file types

onlyoffice desktop editors default file types

firstname - the first name of the user.ĭeprecated since version 4.2, please use name instead,.

onlyoffice desktop editors default file types

url - the absolute URL to the document where it will be created and available after creation,ĭefines the user currently viewing or editing the document:.title - the template title that will be displayed in the Create New.image - the absolute URL to the image for template,.menu option where the following document parameters can be set: Is set using the four letter ( en-US, fr-FR, etc.) language codes.įor the default value the lang parameter is taken, or, if no regional setting corresponding to the lang value is available, en-US is used.ĭefines the presence or absence of the templates in the Create New. url - the absolute URL to the document where it is stored,ĭefines the default display format for currency and date and time (in the Spreadsheet Editor only).title - the document title that will be displayed in the Open Recent.folder - the folder where the document is stored (can be empty in case the document is stored in the root folder),.Please note that when us or ca values are set, the default measurement units are inches.Ĭan be either view to open the document for viewing, or edit to open the document in the editing mode allowing to apply changes to the document data.ĭefines the presence or absence of the documents in the Open Recent.

Onlyoffice desktop editors default file types